Welcome to OnlyFriends - we are the 99%. We are new, we are real, we are unapologetic. Join us today and let’s change this damn world into something that’s worth passing on to others. Join now and be chatting on our Global Chat Page within 1 minute!
Sick and tired of Facebook and their algorithm? Sick of ads? Sick of trolls? Welcome to OnlyFriends - NO algorithm, NO ads, NO trolls, NO BS. 100% Privacy.
Yes we cost $6.99USD a month. Why? Because on OnlyFriends your privacy is just that - private. It’s how we keep away the trolls, we have no VC behind us - just a team of dedicated people determined to change the world. Join OnlyFriends today and make TEN times your subscription in OnlyFriends Coins as we grow. AND GET FREE MEMBERSHIP INTO CLUBLUXE - WIN THOUSANDS EVERY MONTH! The longer your membership - the more rewards you get!
Welcome to ClubLuxe by OnlyFriends - It’s included in your membership with OnlyFriends! Every month we give away luxury goods and cash to our members! It’s that easy - as well as making a difference and having fun with new friends, you can win cash and a designer handbag EVERY month! Don’t Wait - join OnlyFriends today and save 50%!
Sick of trolls? Worried about posting something just so someone can crap all over you from their mighty keyboard? Welcome to the world of Zero Trolls, Zero BS and 100% Awesomeness. (Yes I know that’s a word from the 80’s but we still love it). Yes we cost $6.99 a month. You get $20 of value at least and your OnlyFriends coins will increase 10x as we grow. Join us today and let’s change the frigging world!
OnlyFriends is LIVE Worldwide - so jump off your couches and join the 99%. Our awesome merchandise is available WORLDWIDE! Tell the world that we are here.
OnlyFriends Coins are the ONLY crypto coins that reward you for making new friends!
Our coins will be moving to Web3 and Ethereum using Blockchain at the same direct value as they are on OnlyFriends. What the heck do all those big words mean? It means real MONEY! Yes, Crypto has been crapped on from a great height currently but as the great theologian Warren Buffet says - when others are selling - it’s time to buy. But you are aren’t buying coins with OnlyFriends - heck, we give them to you for FREE!
How does it work? When you join - your coins are valued at 0.5c each (Yup, that’s real money that you can exchange for a $50 VISA card when your balance is at that amount.) At 1,000 members they are worth 1c, 3,000 members 3c - you get the idea!! When we reach 500,000 members, your coins will be valued at 15c each (that’s a 30x return). OMG! and then when they switch to true Crypto, you can trade them just like other Crypto - And your coin balance grows by having fun!
Earning coins on OnlyFriends is simple. For example, get 5 coins just for sending a message, 400 coins for attending a virtual or in person catchup, 15 coins just for logging in every day! Wow!! And - you get 300 coins a month JUST FOR BEING IN THE 99%!
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We are the ONLY destination for Local, Fun Catchups - Safe from trolls and BS. 100% fun. 100% genuine. No Swiping here. I mean seriously - does the world need another dating site???
Meet Global New Friends Now on our Global Chat Page!
Join us today as we all conquer loneliness together. Loneliness is worse than smoking 15 cigarettes a day - join us and let’s beat it together!
World First Social Crypto Currency
Earn Coins for everything you do and watch your status grow with real cash rewards! Get 400 Coins EVERY month, get rewarded every day as you get more involved! Watch your status grow as your friendships do. Your coins increase in value as our community grows - get in early and see up to a 30x increase in REAL $$ value!
Because the OnlyFriends Platform is moderated, safe and secure. Our members don’t need to provide their personal information they simply communicate via the OnlyFriends app!
OnlyFriends Clubs, CatchUps & Events
From 'The Breakfast Club' and 'Pizza People' to the 'OF Hackathon' and everything in between. OnlyFriends activities are for all our members. Attend regular CatchUps with friends and help to grow your local group together.
Organised CatchUps are included FREE in your membership. These events include coffees, club style activities, movies, hikes, fun activities in your local area. This is a great way to meet local friends.
OnlyFriends VIP Events
Exclusive for OnlyFriends members - be part of OnlyFriends curated VIP Events, including Music Festivals, Comedy and Art Shows, Exclusive Movie Premieres, Product launches and much more.
OnlyFriends Annual Music & Arts Festival held in USA
Limited to first 15,000 members
Exclusive to our OnlyFriends members only the 2024 OnlyFriends Festival! 2 days and nights of live music, comedy, inspiration and DJ’s! You won’t want to miss this!!!